Poetry issues; When poetry becomes your lifestyle


Thomas Gray once said that ‘Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn’.

I replay these words right now, then look at my life; everyday, a line or two of poetry MUST flow either through my thoughts or right through my veins to my note pad.

Sometimes, its not such a great feeling. Its like a burning need to release that which needs to be let out even when sometimes it doesn’t even make sense to you until much later. Its like you are a channel to some outside force; a human specifically put here for that purpose.

You try to fight it but the passion keeps coming back forcing itself on/in you even in the middle of the night. What has to be said; has to be said. No matter where you are or what time of day it is.

So how do you make poetry your lifestyle? You simply don’t-its just sort of happens. Its part of your everyday thing.

  • You talk about it anytime the need arises; to whoever will listen.

  • You surround yourself with poetry-at work, at school, at home. On your walls, on your desktop, stuck on your fridge, all over your shelves;-everywhere.

  • The hardest part is when you have a partner who doesn’t have the same passion for poetry that you do.

    You will need to share whatever you have written or read with someone who understands the purpose of poetry-anytime;someone you can have a decent /productive discussion on that one line.

I started writing poetry when i was 11 years old and there is just no way i can live without this art.

A day or two without being in touch with it makes me feel like there is something missing in my life. I feel empty, needy…God, i love poetry!!!

Then there was David Diop’s words, ‘Poetry is the natural language of life, springs forth and renews itself through its contact with reality. It dies in corsets and under orders.’

Poetry is the natural language of life…..

Poetry is the breathe and finer spirit of all knowledge-William Wordsworth.

You can explain everything-including your entire life in a simple, pure piece of poetry.


12 Responses to “Poetry issues; When poetry becomes your lifestyle”

  1. Afrodream 'n' beaded sandals Says:

    ” The hardest part is when you have a partner who doesn’t have the same passion for poetry that you do. ”

    I really have that passion of writting poem or poetry for that matter. I just can’t write i dont know why i can write but i would love 2. For the moment i wld just love to ready.
    thanks 4 the inspiration.


  2. afrodream 'n' beaded sandals Says:

    God bless u to 2.


  3. maoni Says:

    There’s a song within each poet’s heart that needs to be sung…


  4. Alfred Karisa Kazungu Says:

    Hi eudiah.my name is Alfred Karisa Kazungu.am a student at Egerton university going for my third year in August.am a poet too.i would like you to give me some pointers on poetry like how to sell my work,if i can publish it and how..please,i need your help.you can check out my webblog.its http://www.karisakazungu.wordpress.com.its still new so bado iko sketchy.my email address is alfredkazungu@yahoo.com and my mobile is 0720723160.dont let me down ka vile caroline nderitu alifanya.thanx


  5. misscaffeineaddict Says:

    i’ve always thought of poetry as an art… not a lifestyle. i totally get this though. don’t kno why i didn’t think of it before… making it a lifestyle.


  6. jngunjiri Says:

    Someone is not writing. I wonder why?…


  7. Juliet Maruru Says:

    Hey, I just read this, and it reminds me about a little conversation you and I had. A writer’s voice is his/her written words. Its the power to catalyze change, to advocate for hope, to comfort, and love… Your poetry is you. The gift to write is one thing to be cherished, cared for, and used in the right way… Si?


  8. Walter Keyombe Says:

    Dear Eudiah and friends,
    Hi there! I’m glad and kindly wish to inform you that, as member of World Poets Society and a poet for peace from Kenya,I’ve been cordially invited to attend and represent my country at the prestigious…

    4th. International Writers Festival-India

    (29-30 November, 2008 at Ambala Cantt-Haryana-India)

    Festival Details & Registration Form available at:


    But I’m afraid and very sad,because it seems this invitation gonna hit a snag due to lack of funds for my travel arrangements,registration fee,passport,air ticket and visa to India.Please would you kindly help me in prayers and finacially?

    I hope my request will be highly considered in due course.Looking forward to hear from you soonest.
    Yours truly,
    Walter Keyombe.



  9. Joe Says:

    Oh how true that is. I write big time and one day there was this auditions in our school and i thought why dont i sign up? so i did and damn it went so bad, i dont know why but it did and i decided that poetry was not in me and i decided never again to waste my time writtin, do u think it happened? hell no, Ideas kept comin at the oddest of places and times so i realized that i may never get my big break-though i know i will-or make so much money off it but i will live to write poetry coz its me, its the me i love the most. I just cant help it.


  10. savvy Says:

    I love poetry too, reading it, writing it….I know what you mean about being with someone who just doesn’t get poetry as much as you do. I generally write, not for money or fame, but to get my feelings out.

    I started a poetry blog here: In the Footstps of My mind


  11. sitawa Says:

    Amen!!! God Bless Poetry…i feel you especially when you say… a line or two of poetry MUST flow either through my thoughts or right through my veins to my note pad… and if am in a jav i write it on my phone…its awesome to know that there are other people who have this as their way of life…WORD!!!


  12. Christopher Okemwa Says:

    Thanks for loving poetry as I do. I realize many Kenyans love the genre and this really makes me feel I am not lonely in the art. Let us keep the fire of poetry burning, let us fan it, let it go wild! wild! wild! wild! wild! wild! By Christopher Okemwa, E-mail: cokemwa08@gmail.com


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